Friday, February 20, 2009

Zilla's New Shoes

My Brother and SIL so lovingly gave us some of my newphews shoes that he outgrew before we left Savannah and since Zilla recently grew a little in the feet department we got a chance to try them out. They are Adio shoes that looked SO FREAKING ADORABLE on him!!!! They made him look so grown up and like such a little skater!!! Here he is in his new shoes:

Here are the other shoes he decided to try on recently:
Photobucket Yes those are my heels and yes he actually walked in them for a few feet! Guess he likes to look pretty when he does housework! He's got some good balance I guess! LOL


John Deere Mom said...

LOVE the heels!!

Tiffany said...

He likes to put on any shoes that are laying around and walks pretty darn good in them too LOL.

Bri said...

Love the skater shoes! He is getting so big.

Sara saw his picture and yelled, "WY-WY!" It was so stinkin' cute!

Tiffany said...

Bri: I know he is growing up too fast and without permission I might add! How sweet that sara recognized him!