I had someone (Sam) ask in the comment section about the Couch 2 5K. Well Sam I am still doing week 3 because last week I attempted to do two of the days on my home treadmill. Well that was a mistake it doesn't have as much cushion for my joints when I'm running so I will do this at the gym from now on. So anyway I'm doing week three again this week. I don't know if your still on week two but week three is certainly a little different.
I am not personally using the times/distances on the coolrunning site but instead I do my running in time with these
podcasts This guy has podcasts that you can download and he tells you when to run and when to walk. So if your not using them it might be a little different. BUT in week three he has us warmup walk then it's: run 90sec walk 90sec, run 3 min walk 3 min, run 90sec walk 90sec, run 3 minutes, cool down.
On the treadmill at the gym I can get through this with no problems and I'm certianly NOT a runner. Hope that helps you out!
Updated: Thanks Sam for explaining the whole link thing - hopefully I did it correctly..lol. You are right those podcasts are based on the coolrunning site but I think the times are slightly different from what I remember on the site. I LOVE them though and wouldn't be able to do it otherwise. Good luck with the running - I hope your enjoying it as much as I am!