Sunday, May 24, 2009

I think he's defective

I think that Zilla may be defective. I mean I tried for almost 10 minutes earlier to make his mute button work and it just didn't! I don't know if the button is just stuck, broken or he wasn't born with one. In either case he needs repairs IMMEDIATELY!!!!! He's always been loud and all that (he gets that from me so I try to go with it) but seriously this weekend he's amped up his word usage A LOT. He hasn't been quiet for one whole minute this weekend he just keeps talking and talking.

I think it was my dad who told me that we spend the first few years of their lives teaching them to walk and talk only to then spend the next 15 years or so telling them to shut up and sit down. Um yeah I think I know what he meant LOL.


Hippie Mama Kelly said...

Sounds like my house! Imagine timing that by 2!

Tiffany said...

Kelly - LOL thats why we only have one right now!

John Deere Mom said...

LOL! If you find that mute button...let me know!

Tiffany said...

JDM~ I will let you know but don't hold your breath I've looked everywhere and still can't find it! HAHA if only it was that easy!