Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fun at the In-laws

When we were down at my In-laws house DaddyZilla brought out one of the many tractors and gave Zilla a ride. Zilla did really well and enjoyed himself I think - he didn’t even cover his ears! Here is Zilla on the Farmall:

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My MIL breeds Pomeranians, Pugs and Shiba Inu’s and while we were there she had some baby pugs that had been born not too long ago. Zilla was totally enamored with the “babies” and kept saying he “want to hold one baby in hand” LOL Here is the pic of him holding one of the pug puppies.

Also while we were there Zilla helped Grandma plant her bonsai tree Photobucket


Hippie Mama Kelly said...

Looks like fun to me! Too cute with the puppies!

Tiffany said...

Kelly - Zilla just LOVED the puppies and kept asking to hold the 'babies' over and over. He did really well and only got a little too touchy once.