Wednesday, January 6, 2010

He looks so dang grownup!

Zilla's hair grows like a stinking chia pet and haircuts at our house are always an ordeal. The boy acts like they are trying to cut his ear off instead of just some hair. So instead of taking him to torture all the poor customers at the barber shop I decided to just cut it myself. I shaved it the other day and by golly my little boy looks so dang grown up!! He had a meltdown while I was doing it but it wasn't too bad. On a side note he also looks WAY more like my brothers son than I thought possible considering my brother and I barely pass as siblings!


Anna said...

wow what a difference a haircut can make..............very very cute

Tiffany said...

Anna ~ Thanks! I couldn't believe how much older it made him look. Hmm the powers of the clippers! haha Nanna said he looks bald but like it.

Anna said...

my mom complains whenever the boys get cuts....they just don't understand

Tiffany said...

Anna ~ Exactly!