Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Movie Time #1

In the last couple weeks I've seen quite a few new (to me) movies and I'd thought I'd offer up some reviews in a little series. So here are two for today!

Elizabethtown - Starring Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst. It's a movie about a guy whos life is in shambles when his father passes away. On the way to take care of the details for his dads funeral he meets Kirsten Dunst's character who is just the girl to get him back on track in life.

I can only say that this movie is a huge FAIL!!! Seriously I kept asking myself why I was watching it while it was on but I just kept wanting something good to happen with that cast. I was completely dissappointed. Don't waste your time.

The Notebook - The story of Allie and Noah and their epic love. What great love doesn't face challanges?

I'm just gonna take a guess and say that I loved this just as much as every other girl on the planet. Who can't see the greatness that comes from a true pure love? I just loved Gena Rowlands she was so awesome. The ending is what I think we all want for ourselves - that kind of true love can't be overcome no matter what! Um see it if you haven't!

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