Saturday, August 14, 2010

Six Word Saturday

School's Really Gonna Suck This Term

Yep that's right I am finishing up my first week of this term and I have to say it looks like an awful lot of work and I'm just hoping that my brain is up for it!


Caroline said...

I hope everything goes well for you. I'll be praying things go great. Thanx for the wonderful comment on my blog. Have a good week.


silver star said...

I remember in school, it always seemed like the first few weeks and the last few weeks were the hardest parts, so good luck! Thanks for visiting my blog.

Tiffany said...

Caroline ~ Thanks and no problem it's nice to visit!

Silver Star - yeah it's even harder when your almost done with school as a whole it's like your brain goes crazy and doesn't want to learn anymore! lol