I've said it before but I'll say it again - I hate Pottery Barn Kids. They keep sending me their darn catalogs and I keep finding more things I'd like to buy for Zilla but just can't fathom spending the money on cause if you've never seen their stuff its stinking expensive. I found this (it is just too cute and I love me some dog print stuff - in that line they also have an awesome anywhere chair cover that I totally LOVE but it doesn't come in the oversized version which is probably good cause I would actually buy it) and this is totally in line with Zilla's western sounding name (totally love this entire room set but check out the outragous price on the horseshoe wall hanging and the rug - um yeah NO) and I really like this too (just the bedding not really digging the room decor they have with it) cause it's really rebellious and "kiss my booty" which goes with Zilla's attitude half the time..lol. I am also totally in love with this chair (not offered in his size chair though) and they have a cool new U shaped chair thats pretty neat too.
I have to say that even though I could spend all kinds of crazy (ie. pretend) money on Zilla it's a good darn thing that we don't have a little girl. I would totally HAVE to get a job just to support my pottery barn habit! For starters my little girl would totally need this bedding (plus the same when she needed a twin bed) cause I just love it. Oh dear I could go on forever - that company is out to make parents with little self control poor.
DaddyZilla doesn't really think it's a good thing that I gaze lovingly at these catalogs. Think I can call and take myself off the list cause I want to spend my money there? I don't think they would understand my reasoning.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Zilla's 2nd Birthday Party
The party turned out great and everyone had a great time! It was a total success and renting the bounce house was totally worth it. We had to pry Zilla out of the thing to come and eat cake and we all know how much he likes him some cake. In fact when DaddyZilla brought the bounce house in the back yard Zilla was playing on it as they were blowing it up and then he and daddy jumped in that thing for almost an hour and a half before the party!!! We let the kids jump in the bounce house and had bubbles, an art easel, the t-ball, little tikes car and the slide for the kids to play on. Then we did cake (which I made Yay me!), cup cakes and ice cream before gifts. Zilla loved all of his gifts and so did all the kids LOL. Thanks so much for all the great friends and family that were able to come! Here is a slide show of the party pictures:
Welcome Home Little Bro
My little brother arrived home from Iraq this week and it was darn good to see him safe and sound back on our soil. Now that him and DaddyZilla are home a load has been taken off my shoulder for sure. Here is a slide show of his homecoming:
My brother arrived back from Iraq this past weekend so his wife and little boy came back into town to welcome him home. Well Zilla and his cousin had a BLAST playing together. They are two crazy kids and have to be the cutest little boys in town. Here is a little slide show of them having fun!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Why are dumb people allowed to work?
I have been thinking about why on earth dumb people are allowed to have management positions since my trip to Toys R Us last night. I went there last night after Zilla was in bed to pick up something for Nanna cause it's on sale there - otherwise I truly try to stay out of TRU cause well I hate this store. So anyway I grab an Ad on my way in and see that they have a B1G2 Free sale on ALL Crayola Markers* so I think thats a good deal and was going to pick some up. Well on the Ad at the bottom where the * is it says "Free Item must be of equal or lesser value to the lowest priced item purchased. Marker offer excludes art sets and Beginnings products. Paper, pads and posters offer excludes Color Wonder, Color Explosion, Color Surge, coloring books and art sets." - ok from that I would conclude that the marker promotion ONLY excludes art sets and beginnings stuff since the part that says paper, pads and posters offer was talking about a different sale going on. Well....
I picked up a set of pipsqueaks markers, bath tub markers and markers for color wonder paper - none of which are art sets or beginnings stuff. They all ***SHOULD*** be part of the promotion right? Well nope they aren't. I asked the lady if they were included before I checked out and she scans them and says the pips and the tub ones are but not the color wonder. I ask why she points to the bottom of the ad because it says so right there - so I explain (and point out literally) that the color wonder statement refers to another promotion. Well she says oh yeah and gets the manager and apparently the manager failed English because she doesn't understand that the (.) and then the statement about the different sale means that it's not one sentence. She tells me (after I've explained and pointed out that the two sentences are for different promotions) "well the way I understand it it means that the color wonder isn't included - just the ones pictured" so I say um ok it says right by the picture "ALL Crayola Markers" and then only excludes the art sets and beginnings. She responds "well it won't scan so it's not included - thats how I'm reading that" - ok she CAN fix the f-ing problem but won't and obviously can't f-ing read. I was slightly pissed.
So I went back to get a different kind (now remember that the lady and manager said the tub markers were included) so I bring back up 2 pipsqueaks and the tub markers to buy. When the cashier rings them up she says to me "oh the tub markers aren't included" Ok WTF - I almost hit at her. I told her that she JUST told me they were included in the promo to which she says "well they are in a promo just not that one" - OMG someone shoot me! Well I must have had a look on my face that indicated I was gonna kick her because the cashier took them off and rang two of the marker sets at $0.01 each. All that without the manager - why the heck couldn't she have done that with the color wonder markers? I was gonna say something about the $0.02 that I should have had to pay but I just left cause I didn't want to confuse them even further.
So once again I'm back to hating Toys R Us. So people be aware of their stupid employees and their retarded ads that don't really mean what they say.
sorry I tried to make this bigger but it won't do it
I picked up a set of pipsqueaks markers, bath tub markers and markers for color wonder paper - none of which are art sets or beginnings stuff. They all ***SHOULD*** be part of the promotion right? Well nope they aren't. I asked the lady if they were included before I checked out and she scans them and says the pips and the tub ones are but not the color wonder. I ask why she points to the bottom of the ad because it says so right there - so I explain (and point out literally) that the color wonder statement refers to another promotion. Well she says oh yeah and gets the manager and apparently the manager failed English because she doesn't understand that the (.) and then the statement about the different sale means that it's not one sentence. She tells me (after I've explained and pointed out that the two sentences are for different promotions) "well the way I understand it it means that the color wonder isn't included - just the ones pictured" so I say um ok it says right by the picture "ALL Crayola Markers" and then only excludes the art sets and beginnings. She responds "well it won't scan so it's not included - thats how I'm reading that" - ok she CAN fix the f-ing problem but won't and obviously can't f-ing read. I was slightly pissed.
So I went back to get a different kind (now remember that the lady and manager said the tub markers were included) so I bring back up 2 pipsqueaks and the tub markers to buy. When the cashier rings them up she says to me "oh the tub markers aren't included" Ok WTF - I almost hit at her. I told her that she JUST told me they were included in the promo to which she says "well they are in a promo just not that one" - OMG someone shoot me! Well I must have had a look on my face that indicated I was gonna kick her because the cashier took them off and rang two of the marker sets at $0.01 each. All that without the manager - why the heck couldn't she have done that with the color wonder markers? I was gonna say something about the $0.02 that I should have had to pay but I just left cause I didn't want to confuse them even further.
So once again I'm back to hating Toys R Us. So people be aware of their stupid employees and their retarded ads that don't really mean what they say.

Goodbye BabyZilla, Hello ManZilla!!
Yesterday afternoon DaddyZilla and I decided to go and get Zilla's hair cut. I have just been keeping it trimmed up until now but DaddyZilla kept calling him a hippy even once referring to him as john denver so I guess it was time. I thought for sure that Zilla was going to freak out because when I try to trim his hair he isn't exactly cooperative if you know what I mean. I was however pleasantly surprised because he did very well. He sat on Daddy's lap and refused to wear the cape but seemed to be good to go once the lady gave him a sucker. He did get antsy toward the middle but I just got close to him and we talked about his sucker and he was fine. His ears still need a tiny bit of clipping but by that point he was d-o-n-e! So here are some pictures of my former BabyZilla - now he surely looks like a ManZilla!
BEFORE: ------------------------------ DURING:
BEFORE: ------------------------------ DURING:


Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Like my new shoes?
Zilla found a pair of cow print slippers in my closet that I've had forever and hardly wear. Well he decided that he was going to try them out. He actually did really well walking in them and even learned a new word because of them. I told him "watch me" when I was putting them on his feet and he said "watch?" so that was cool. He wore them around the house for quite a while until he needed to run then he took them off and handed them to me! Isn't he too cute?

Mr. Sandman
Zilla has a sandbox in the back yard and he just loves to play in it. Well recently he's found that if he puts his face in the sand it feels cool and then he can eat the sand too! The other day he was playing in the sand and sure enough was laying his head in it and nicely chomping on sand (which in case you've never heard it sounds like he's eating glass!). Here are some priceless shots - look closely and you'll see where the 2 pounds of sand currently in my bed came from!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Aliens Have Landed
Well at least they have at my house according to my husband. I will explain it and you all can decide for yourselves. I bought some cookies today at Walgreens to have for the birthday party this weekend. I got home and set the two boxes on the counter with the other party stuff - well out of Zilla and Daisy's reach. I walked into the kitchen a little while ago and look over to see that the box is open so I look in and sure enough the bag is also opened - not ripped but opened properly. Well gee I'm thinking that the 2 year old couldn't reach up there and would have eaten through the box cause he's a goat and surely doesn't have the dexterity to open the bag nicely without tearing it. Next to come to mind is the dog but I'm also fairly certain that she too would have ripped open the box and bag mainly due to the fact that she has no thumbs. I also think that she wouldn't have left any cookies or put the box back nicely - she's not big on picking up after herself. Well that would leave one other person (since I friggin know I didn't do it)right? Well according to my cookie loving husband he didn't do it but he has a theory - i bet you can't wait for this. He said that aliens must have come to our house (cause if you lived in outer space you'd pick MY house to visit first right?) in order to "probe" the dog but Daisy told them she would give them cookies if they didn't probe her. So the aliens apparently thought this was a good trade so they opened the cookies, took a few and left our dog intact.
I'm not gonna call him a lair but well somehow I'm thinking that story just doesn't work for me. I suppose there is a small (VERY small) chance that they were already opened when I bought them except for the fact that when I put them in the bag to walk home no cookies fell out, I didn't see it open when I took it out of the bag and I also didn't see it open when I put it on the counter. Needless to say we have a cookie monster (whom I personally think *could* have red hair) in our house. What do you all think?
ETA: I wrote this last night but Blogger was down
I'm not gonna call him a lair but well somehow I'm thinking that story just doesn't work for me. I suppose there is a small (VERY small) chance that they were already opened when I bought them except for the fact that when I put them in the bag to walk home no cookies fell out, I didn't see it open when I took it out of the bag and I also didn't see it open when I put it on the counter. Needless to say we have a cookie monster (whom I personally think *could* have red hair) in our house. What do you all think?
ETA: I wrote this last night but Blogger was down
Nanna Saves the Day!!!
Well previously we were not going to have much in the way of Blue's Clues themed items at Zillas Blue's Clues themed 2nd Birthday Party. That is until Nanna saved the day and picked up some things from a Central Florida party store!! We were even able to score some of it on sale - this girl LOVES a sale too!
So THANKS Nanna!!!!
So THANKS Nanna!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
It's almost Party time!!
This coming weekend is Zilla's birthday party. I probably don't sound excited about it which might be because well I'm not. I learned last year that I don't particularly like planning or setting up birthday parties. Will I continue to do them for the sake of my sweet son? Yes but I won't like it even a little bit.
It's not helping my mood on the subject that we decided to do a Blue's Clues Theme - well apparently I should have checked with the only stupid party store in our town (dumb party city) first before I decided on the theme because well they no longer carry that theme! Did I wait until the week before the party to even go look for the stuff? Yes. Should I have done that sooner? Yes but in my defense DaddyZilla's signs and the house cleaning in preperation for him coming home took priority number one. I'm having my mom look for some in Central Florida and maybe we'll have some stuff that goes with the theme or we'll just have a blues clues cake and just plain blue decorations - I don't really care either way. I should be excited about this but well truthfully it's depressing that my little baby is growing up. I'm just not ready for it - too bad he couldn't care less what I want! We'll have fun - it should be easier this year with DaddyZilla home and we will have a bounce house to keep the hoards of kids busy.
It's not helping my mood on the subject that we decided to do a Blue's Clues Theme - well apparently I should have checked with the only stupid party store in our town (dumb party city) first before I decided on the theme because well they no longer carry that theme! Did I wait until the week before the party to even go look for the stuff? Yes. Should I have done that sooner? Yes but in my defense DaddyZilla's signs and the house cleaning in preperation for him coming home took priority number one. I'm having my mom look for some in Central Florida and maybe we'll have some stuff that goes with the theme or we'll just have a blues clues cake and just plain blue decorations - I don't really care either way. I should be excited about this but well truthfully it's depressing that my little baby is growing up. I'm just not ready for it - too bad he couldn't care less what I want! We'll have fun - it should be easier this year with DaddyZilla home and we will have a bounce house to keep the hoards of kids busy.
Umlimited Fun for $5.99
We all went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast the other day and picked up a handheld bubble blower. It was about $5.99 and worth every single penny.

You should go get one for your kid like NOW!
Zilla had SOOOOOO much fun with this thing. On a normal backyard trip Zilla beelines it to the big tree in our back yard, says hello to it (don't ask) and then requests (more like demands) to be pushed on the swing. Well with the bubble blower thingy he didn't even go out to the tree let alone demand to be pushed on the swing! He chased them all over the yard yelling "bubbles" it was too dang cute. He had a blast and I enjoyed not having to push him on the swing...LOL.

You should go get one for your kid like NOW!
Zilla had SOOOOOO much fun with this thing. On a normal backyard trip Zilla beelines it to the big tree in our back yard, says hello to it (don't ask) and then requests (more like demands) to be pushed on the swing. Well with the bubble blower thingy he didn't even go out to the tree let alone demand to be pushed on the swing! He chased them all over the yard yelling "bubbles" it was too dang cute. He had a blast and I enjoyed not having to push him on the swing...LOL.

Getting used to Daddy!
Yesterday DaddyZilla gave Zilla a bath! I know this doesn't really sound earth shattering to most but considering that Zilla is still adjusting to Daddy being home this is great! He didn't call out for me at all so it was a smooth process!

In fact this morning when DaddyZilla had to report to work for his mandatory half days Zilla wasn't happy that he was leaving without him! Plus this morning Zilla gave DaddyZilla an unsolicited kiss!
It's very exciting people - trust me.

In fact this morning when DaddyZilla had to report to work for his mandatory half days Zilla wasn't happy that he was leaving without him! Plus this morning Zilla gave DaddyZilla an unsolicited kiss!
It's very exciting people - trust me.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hello DaddyZilla!!!
DaddyZilla made it in!!

One big happy Family

Zilla is still adjusting but it can take some time for younger kids. He did okay he was just kinda unsure about what exactly what was going on. Toddlers aren't really the best with change so we'll keep working on it. Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I'm off to enjoy my hubby!!!

One big happy Family

Zilla is still adjusting but it can take some time for younger kids. He did okay he was just kinda unsure about what exactly what was going on. Toddlers aren't really the best with change so we'll keep working on it. Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I'm off to enjoy my hubby!!!
T Minus 6 Hours
Wow in about 6 measly hours Zilla and I will be reunited with DaddyZilla!!! There are so many emotions and thoughts going through my mind right now. It's totally hard to explain to anyone thats never been through a deployment before. There is a lot of adjustment to deal with when they leave and when they come home - it's so much easier when its just you and him but kiddos make it a little trickier. I really do think that Zilla will adjust well though - he sees DaddyZilla on the webcam and in pictures all over the house all the time. In fact DaddyZilla gets as many kisses as I do in any given day - Zilla will walk up to his picture and plant a big on right on daddy! It's so cute so it's gonna be awesome to see him give daddy some real kisses!
Ok I'm off to do a little last minute cleaning and make myself all spiffy looking - think I can get some plastic surgery and be good to go in 6 hours? Hmm that may not be possible but I might make some calls anyway!!!
Ok I'm off to do a little last minute cleaning and make myself all spiffy looking - think I can get some plastic surgery and be good to go in 6 hours? Hmm that may not be possible but I might make some calls anyway!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Can you feel the burn?
I got a gazelle exercise machine a few months back off craigslist in an effort to shrink my butt. It's really fun to do and time just flies by if your watching tv. I'm not the only one that loves it though. Zilla was intrigued by it from the moment he saw it and figured out how to work it fairly quickly (the kid is SMART) and now uses it regularly. This morning I walk back to my room to find him working out a little bit before dad gets home - I guess we both want to look our best...LOL. Here he is getting his workout on:

oh on a side note; Daisy the dog is also slimming down - not so much because of exercise but more because I cut her food intake in half and A LOT less of wyatts food!

oh on a side note; Daisy the dog is also slimming down - not so much because of exercise but more because I cut her food intake in half and A LOT less of wyatts food!
Getting into trouble!
I think I might ammend Zillas middle name to Trouble. Anytime I turn my back the child is getting into something he shouldn't be. Here are two prime examples from this week:
He was supposed to be watching tv and I walk into the room to find him sitting in a box - with what WAS supposed to be in the box laying on the couch!

In this lovely heart stopping moment I walked into the kitchen to find my dare devil son sitting on top of the kitchen table trying to get something on the table. Why come get mommy to help when you can just climb up there yourself - who cares about the fact that we have tile in the dining room and you could fall and splatter your brains on the floor. Why don't toddlers think about this stuff? I guess thats why mommies are here.

Oh and YES i did go into the livingroom to grab the camera to get a pic before removing him from the table. It was a prime picture taking moment i couldn't pass it up. He wasn't actually going to fall.
He was supposed to be watching tv and I walk into the room to find him sitting in a box - with what WAS supposed to be in the box laying on the couch!

In this lovely heart stopping moment I walked into the kitchen to find my dare devil son sitting on top of the kitchen table trying to get something on the table. Why come get mommy to help when you can just climb up there yourself - who cares about the fact that we have tile in the dining room and you could fall and splatter your brains on the floor. Why don't toddlers think about this stuff? I guess thats why mommies are here.

Oh and YES i did go into the livingroom to grab the camera to get a pic before removing him from the table. It was a prime picture taking moment i couldn't pass it up. He wasn't actually going to fall.
Go Go Gadget Arms!
I seriously think that my son has Go Go Gadget arms I mean I can put things on the back of the kitchen counter and he can still reach them!! WTF is up with that? I mean nothing is safe from him now. A few moments ago my darling son walked into my living room waving a knife around! That knife was all the way at the back of the counter top from cutting him some cheese yesterday - how the heck did he reach it?!?!? I know he didn't use a stool cause there isn't one in the kitchen. He can't even see over the counter yet - how does he manage to find and get these things? Just baffles me. Ok thats all.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Two Years ago today
I was welcoming the cutest two month old into the world - haha well he wasn't too months old but he was a big boy! I had Zilla at 11:50am via c-section because they were worried about his size and ability to fit through my birth canal - wow am I glad he came out that way! My big boy weighed in at 9lbs 15.3oz and he was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Since that day a lot has happened - he walks, talks and RUNS, we have also said goodbye to Daddyzilla and soon we will be saying hi to him. It's been a crazy fun two years that went by in a flash cause I can still remember rocking his little sweet self to sleep when now I can't rock him because he is just too dang long to do that with. All in all I wouldn't have it any other way - he is the light of my life and probably the best thing I've ever done! Happy Birthday BabyZilla Mommy loves you!!
Here is Zilla at 4 Days old:

Here he is at his First Birthday party enjoying some cake:

Here is my TWO YEAR OLD (ACK!!!) enjoying his b-day ice cream:

edited cause in my state of awe at my now two year old I couldn't count!
Here is Zilla at 4 Days old:

Here he is at his First Birthday party enjoying some cake:

Here is my TWO YEAR OLD (ACK!!!) enjoying his b-day ice cream:

edited cause in my state of awe at my now two year old I couldn't count!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Holy Seven Days Batman!
Wow last night I found out that it's possible that DaddyZilla will be home in SEVEN DAYS!!!!!!!!! Yes one week from now I will no longer have to cut the grass, deal with home and car maintenance, go 14 months without a back rub, or have to go to bed alone!!!! How exciting especially that first one LMAO just kidding - we joke about that all the time! I most miss the last one! It will be so nice to have someone to sleep next to - its amazing how much better you sleep when you know that the people you love most are safe and near.
I can't wait for Zilla to see his Daddy in person again - I know that he will recognize him and it will be neat to see his face when he realizes that he can give Daddy kisses at bedtime and not just daddys picture! It's just going to warm my heart to see the two of them together again. I'm also preparing to laugh a lot cause DaddyZilla left a little boy and he's coming back to a toddler - it's gonna be fun, well for me anyway LOL.
I've got SO much to do in the next week. Here's a rundown of my extensive list:
-Clean out and organize garage (this may have to wait since most of the crap is his)
-Mow yard - DONE!!!
-Weed Eat (i think I'll leave this to him)- SORTA DONE
-Yard Sale to get rid of crap - DONE
-Donate yard sale leftovers - DONE
-Make Dinner Menus and go grocery shopping
-Clean out junk drawer - DONE
-Send out Zilla's b-day invites - DONE
-Start to get stuff ready for b-day party
-Clean out SUV
-Clean out Truck
-Charge Truck batteries
-Make cousins diaper holder-thingy - DONE
-Get renters insurance (yes i know i should already have done this - don't judge me)
-Go buy a little something for DaddyZilla to drink - DONE
-Go buy some condominiums - DONE
-get an outfit to wear for homecoming - will just wear something I have
kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, Zilla's room, office, bathrooms - this is not as easy as it sounds with Tornado Zilla following close behind!
I can't wait for Zilla to see his Daddy in person again - I know that he will recognize him and it will be neat to see his face when he realizes that he can give Daddy kisses at bedtime and not just daddys picture! It's just going to warm my heart to see the two of them together again. I'm also preparing to laugh a lot cause DaddyZilla left a little boy and he's coming back to a toddler - it's gonna be fun, well for me anyway LOL.
I've got SO much to do in the next week. Here's a rundown of my extensive list:
-Clean out and organize garage (this may have to wait since most of the crap is his)
-Mow yard - DONE!!!
-Weed Eat (i think I'll leave this to him)- SORTA DONE
-Yard Sale to get rid of crap - DONE
-Donate yard sale leftovers - DONE
-Make Dinner Menus and go grocery shopping
-Clean out junk drawer - DONE
-Send out Zilla's b-day invites - DONE
-Start to get stuff ready for b-day party
-Clean out SUV
-Clean out Truck
-Charge Truck batteries
-Make cousins diaper holder-thingy - DONE
-Get renters insurance (yes i know i should already have done this - don't judge me)
-Go buy a little something for DaddyZilla to drink - DONE
-Go buy some condominiums - DONE
-get an outfit to wear for homecoming - will just wear something I have
kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, Zilla's room, office, bathrooms - this is not as easy as it sounds with Tornado Zilla following close behind!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
You mean its NOT a dog bed?
Last night Zilla found a marker and decided to color on a few things including himself, my desk and my bed sheets. So I changed the sheets and meant to put the dirty ones in the wash but well I forgot so they stayed on the mini trampoline where I threw them. Fast forward to today when I went into my bedroom to find my darling dog laying on my trampoline! Guess she thought it looked better than the floor. She better be glad they have to be washed anyway! So here is our sweet Catahoula taking a nap on her new "bed" lol!

I found a COOL seat!
Yesterday I was in the living room and I heard a crashing noise come from my room so I went to investigate. This is what I walked in to see:

My darling son thought it would be totally cool to pull my bra drawer out of the dresser, take out all of my bras and sit in it. Sounds like fun doesn't it? He did manage to mangle the back of the drawer and it's now broken. I was hoping to get some more time out of these cheap dressers but with the tornado that lives in my house I may not be able to. Guess I should start shutting my door!

My darling son thought it would be totally cool to pull my bra drawer out of the dresser, take out all of my bras and sit in it. Sounds like fun doesn't it? He did manage to mangle the back of the drawer and it's now broken. I was hoping to get some more time out of these cheap dressers but with the tornado that lives in my house I may not be able to. Guess I should start shutting my door!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Attack of the Cake Monster
To ALL Solicitors!
This is a advisory to anyone that goes door to door selling crap. DO NOT come to my damn door making my dog bark like a crazy animal while my son is sleeping (and so was I dammit) to only then friggin insult me by asking if my mom is home!!! This is MY house I make sure all the bills are paid, I have a 2 year old and I'm doing it all by myself (well not for much longer but still) so DON'T stand there and ask for my mom then stutter "Oh I'm so sorry you look so young" when I tell you it's my house and then still try to sell me something. I don't care if you are a college student selling magazines or from another country trying to sell learning material for my kid - you have just insulted me so guess what....I'M NOT GOING TO BUY ANYTHING YOUR SELLING!!! GET THE HELL OFF MY PORCH!!! i swear some peoples kids
4th of July Fun
Heres a few pictures of our 4th of July fun down at the base.
We rode down to the Soldiers and Family Day July 4th stuff with some friends. It was really awesome they did a great job this year of including stuff for ALL ages. There were a lot of people there but it didn't seem crowded because they had the stuff put over a large area. We had a great time despite the fact that it was HOT as heck. We went down after lunch and stayed to watch the concerts (Boyz 2 Men and Montgomery Gentry) and the fireworks - which were GREAT. We did leave to eat dinner at Chili's and I have to say that was NOT a great experience with them. The mac n cheese that the kids ordered came out COLD like not cool but right out of the fridge cold and my mashed potatoes came out barely warm plus the waitress was a snot - she didn't get tipped very well. Oh well the super nice ladies selling the fried oreos (OMG if you haven't had these you need to!) totally made up for it - they were VERY nice ladies.
Zilla had never seen fireworks before and he didn't hate them but they were quite loud so he wasn't digging the noise but thought it was cool none the less. We even managed to avoid the traffic leaving so over all it was a great day! We made it home about 11:30 with Zilla STILL awake - this kid normally goes to bed at 8 (at the latest) so I couldn't believe that him and my friends 3 year old stayed awake that long! He did sleep in today until 8:10am so that was a plus for me! Okay I'm still tired from all that sun and fun so thats all your getting for now! LOL
We rode down to the Soldiers and Family Day July 4th stuff with some friends. It was really awesome they did a great job this year of including stuff for ALL ages. There were a lot of people there but it didn't seem crowded because they had the stuff put over a large area. We had a great time despite the fact that it was HOT as heck. We went down after lunch and stayed to watch the concerts (Boyz 2 Men and Montgomery Gentry) and the fireworks - which were GREAT. We did leave to eat dinner at Chili's and I have to say that was NOT a great experience with them. The mac n cheese that the kids ordered came out COLD like not cool but right out of the fridge cold and my mashed potatoes came out barely warm plus the waitress was a snot - she didn't get tipped very well. Oh well the super nice ladies selling the fried oreos (OMG if you haven't had these you need to!) totally made up for it - they were VERY nice ladies.
Zilla had never seen fireworks before and he didn't hate them but they were quite loud so he wasn't digging the noise but thought it was cool none the less. We even managed to avoid the traffic leaving so over all it was a great day! We made it home about 11:30 with Zilla STILL awake - this kid normally goes to bed at 8 (at the latest) so I couldn't believe that him and my friends 3 year old stayed awake that long! He did sleep in today until 8:10am so that was a plus for me! Okay I'm still tired from all that sun and fun so thats all your getting for now! LOL
Quack Quack
When Zilla was smaller (haha) we had a inflatable duck bathtub thing that sits in the bathtub so we can give him a bath but not worry about him slipping in the big tub. Well this thing was great for a while because it was easy to fill up and he loved that if you squeezed the beak it would quack - he thought that was so funny and made me do it often. Well after he outgrew it I just left it inflated in my room and he played in it quite a bit actually. About a month and a half ago I deflated it and packed it up cause it was in the way. Well since then Zilla has decided that because his duck is not here to quack at him that I must now fulfill that need. He will walk up to me and grab at my lips and say "quack quack" which I must obviously reply with "quack quack" - he is still into this in fact he did it about 7 minutes ago. I swear that kid is just too cute that I can't help but quack with him! LOL
Destruction by toddler
Yesterday morning I was peacefully watching CNN Headline News in the living room and Zilla was back in my room watching PBS. I checked on him and he was quietly standing by my bed just watching Thomas so I went back up front and cleaned up a little while catching up on the news. Not even 30 minutes later Zilla runs up into the living room holding his beloved object from my room aka. my bottle of Ralph Lauren perfume. He can now officially reach all the way onto my dresser and get what he wants so I went back to survey the damage his perfume search made. I just wasn't prepared for what I actually saw when I got to my room. He had not only gotten on my dresser in that 30 minutes but he had destroyed my room - it looked like I should call FEMA to try and get some disaster money! Blah I guess I'm gonna have to start closing my room. Here are the pictures - if I had renters insurance I could claim burglary!

Oh and yes that is my side table totally tipped over onto it's side at the top of the photo and the entire contents of my makeup bag on the floor. The boy sure works fast and quiet!

Oh and yes that is my side table totally tipped over onto it's side at the top of the photo and the entire contents of my makeup bag on the floor. The boy sure works fast and quiet!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Picking some Blueberries!
This morning Zilla and I went with some friends to go pick blueberries. There is a U-Pick Farm about 30 minutes south of us so we headed off at about 7:40am to try and beat the heat - to bad we live in the south and it was almost 80 degrees at that point! Oh well we still had fun and by "we" I mean my friend and I cause the kids only thought it was cool for about a half hour.
Zilla did really well and actually picked some blueberries and put them in the bucket! He is getting SO much better at following directions. My little man is growing up :( He had fun carrying the bucket around and eating some while we were there. I had wanted to get about 10 quarts (5 for us and 5 for my mom/mawmaw) but dang it takes longer than I thought to pick berries and chase kids. We ended up getting only 4 quarts so I might go back next week minus the child to do some real picking.
Overall it was a good experience and at $1 a quart it was nice on the pocketbook as well since we go through some blueberries. It's always nice to support your local farmers!!

Zilla did really well and actually picked some blueberries and put them in the bucket! He is getting SO much better at following directions. My little man is growing up :( He had fun carrying the bucket around and eating some while we were there. I had wanted to get about 10 quarts (5 for us and 5 for my mom/mawmaw) but dang it takes longer than I thought to pick berries and chase kids. We ended up getting only 4 quarts so I might go back next week minus the child to do some real picking.
Overall it was a good experience and at $1 a quart it was nice on the pocketbook as well since we go through some blueberries. It's always nice to support your local farmers!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
My BIG boy!
Today Zilla did something AWESOME. I was so excited I cheered which he thought was totally funny of course! Okay are you ready for it?
For the first time EVER he smiled and said cheese for the camera!! People you probably don't understand so let me explain. Normally when I bring out the camera he gives me a total deer in the headlights expression so this is a major break through! I don't think I've ever seen a cuter kid in my life - his smile just lights up my heart in a way that no one but a mother would know. Here is the shot of that smile.
For the first time EVER he smiled and said cheese for the camera!! People you probably don't understand so let me explain. Normally when I bring out the camera he gives me a total deer in the headlights expression so this is a major break through! I don't think I've ever seen a cuter kid in my life - his smile just lights up my heart in a way that no one but a mother would know. Here is the shot of that smile.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I'm being Used
Yesterday a friend and I went to Sams to get a few things. She calls me every few weeks or so and asks if I want to go to Sams. This would be code for: "I need to use your Sams card to get stuff and you have to come with me" - she uses me. I got my card as a gift for Christmas from my Dad and stepmom. I really only get bananas and some other odds and ends so I guess it's not a big deal I mean someone should get full use out of the card right? What was funny though was that the cashier remembered us! She knows that we both use my card and even commented that my friend was using me...LOL. It was pretty funny - you'll just have to trust me on that.
Dog Sitting
Zilla and I are dog sitting for a friend this week. My friends dog is just too cute for words and well I want to keep her. Don't worry DaddyZilla I'm not gonna keep her - I'm just sayin she's cute. Her name is Sissy (wouldn't have been my choice maybe something like Killer would have fit lol) and she is a Chihuahua/Mini Pin mix but she looks like a miniature boxer. Sissy LOVES our dog Daisy but I'm not sure that Daisy is as excited about Sissy. Daisy is over 6 years old and well lets just say we call her a rug with legs so she's not super active (probably why she got up to a massive 102 pounds!) but Sissy REALLY REALLY wants to play. They are doing ok - Daisy just goes and hides! Zilla thinks shes super cute but doesn't really want her to interact with him - he likes her just fine about a foot away from him. He has been laughing his booty off at Daisy and Sissy "playing" so thats good I guess. She's a cute dog but dang I'm glad Daisy is past the puppy stage - "we" had to get up 3 times last night to go potty. She is nice to snuggle with though - if Daisy were this small I would tote her EVERYWHERE!! Oh well.

They are BACK!!!
I had been invaded by slugs but after a several days of not seeing one I thought I got my point accross - this is not a half-way house for slugs. Well people I was wrong. The other day I walk into my livingroom to find not one but two stinkin slugs!! A nice big one was on the floor and then there was a dare devil slug on my door jam. I got a tissue and the salt and killed them both.
That got me thinking that maybe these slugs have a death wish. They have to know that I've been killing their friends so why would they continue to come into my house? I think I've become the Jack Kevorkian for slugs. Is assisted suicide for slugs illegal? I wouldn't want to get into trouble or anything - prision just doesn't seem like it would work for me. Here is one of the deseased:
That got me thinking that maybe these slugs have a death wish. They have to know that I've been killing their friends so why would they continue to come into my house? I think I've become the Jack Kevorkian for slugs. Is assisted suicide for slugs illegal? I wouldn't want to get into trouble or anything - prision just doesn't seem like it would work for me. Here is one of the deseased:

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